One of the service and sponsorship areas of European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, EEIG is education and EEIG feels obliged to secure the future of the rising generation – whose adolescents who will be the human resources for development, consumption and prosperity of nations in the future as well, by promotion of education, vocational training and all kinds of lifelong learning.

The Carolus Magnus University founded in order to realize this aim provides possibilities of lifelong learning by the methods of blended learning (classic face-to-face lessons, distance learning by lecture notebooks, and computer aided e-learning). With the aim of enabling working and adult students to study and provide life-long learning opportunities, Carolus Magnus University was established with the contributions of European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, EEIG and the esteemed professors of the prominent universities and European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, EEIG is the official sponsor of the Carolus Magnus University.

The main tasks of the “Carolus Magnus University” are:

  • Academic teaching
  • Scientific research
  • Professional training
  • Social preparation on international levels
  • Understanding and communication between all regions of the globe (east, west, north, and south)